Monday, February 2, 2009

see stuff His way

So I have had a really crazy start to my 2009.
My first day of the year I got to ride in a Porsche Boxster....I've been horse ridding...and I've had some 'fun' friendship moments (both great and challenging, and that could be interpreted in many ways)....So all in all its been filled with many moments, some of happiness and some of challenge.....this includes my figuring out a 'where is home' and 'how do I get there' decision and path making.
Now sorry, but I'm not going to spill everything that has gone on in my world for the past month (besides that would require me writting a novel). However what I can tell you is what I chose to do about it all.
I choose, decide, and sometimes fight to decide to see things His way, with Gods perspective.
Something that regularly goes through my head, and often I say it out loud....'its all about perspective' people will see things how they see it, and its probably slightly different to how you see things. Take for example cloud watching....what might look like a puppy to me, can look like a dragon to the next person.
Its the same for when we look at a situation in our own lives, or maybe the situation of someone you know, you automatically see it from how YOU see it, not always how they are seeing it and not how God is seeing it. To see how He sees we must choose to and take action to do so.
With stuff that been happening in my world (and some of my worlds around me) I've had to choose to see stuff how God sees it. In doing this things can look less cluttered, less hopeless, less complicated.
It might require you to put up a fight to get there but speaking from experience, it is far far easier to accept stuff going on in your world when you see stuff His way...

Colossians chapter 3: 1-2
So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from His perspective.

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