Thursday, January 29, 2009

I get this image of a kitten falling out of a basket...

a Quote from The Shack - 'But I also want you to know that there is more going on that you could imagine or understand, even if I told you. As much as you are able, rest in what trust you have in me, no matter how small, ok?'
Powerful words from the mouth of the character representing God in this amazing book. I guess the words that stand out to me the most would be the way it is said that it isn't a problem how little trust you might have, but just to rest in it. Which brings me to the the image of the kitten falling from a basket, it must be a childhood picture I saw, because I have no idea where its come from. ANYWAYS this little cute kitten is dangling from a basket with only a few claws holding on.
The point is to keep holding on. Keep being positive. Keep trusting God for the best. No matter how small the trust feels, its more than enough for a God who wants the BEST life for you!
He is always there, and thinks the world of you, no matter what is going on, no matter what has happened. Reach out to him for His love and security, keep holding on because I know He wont let go.
And rest in what trust you have for him, no matter how small, ok?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

and so start-th the journey...

Well here we go, the first entry of what I hope to be fun and insightful (or not so insightful) moments, thoughts that I have.

It shall be interesting to see my moments and thoughts 'go public', some might say it could be a bit scarey, others might be curious about what actually goes on in this brain of mine.

I can say with confidence that there is never a dull moment in the life of Jamie, you might even come across many a good story or even a spark of thought that could create a light bulb moment in your world.

In saying all that it somewhat makes me think - that...and I probably watch kinda A LOT of Scrubs [an amazing TV show, thou shalt experience] and feel inspired to ponder about people who ponder thoughts 'out loud' in their head - what would happen if what we thought, said and even just imagined in our heads was actually brought out in public view?

In saying all THAT is posted above, my blogs are simply my thoughts an experiences shared to you, in the hope that it will mealy provoke some thought and maybe some action on your part, in your world, for the better. It could be a ministry idea, a life experience that improves perspective, or simply insight into my day-to-day 'stuff' that helps make

As much as a love a good banter, there is a certain aroma filling this sun room. It is that of a hot black coffee and it has MY name on it.

until next time....