Saturday, March 21, 2009

I have relocated, I've been reconnected, & now I will re-organise...

Hi there most loyal bloggers! (AKA the secret readers of my life)
Well this will be a short and to the point blog, simply to give an update on my world and what it looks like at the moment.

I have been living in Brisbane now for a week, its BEAUTIFUL and if I'm honest I'll admit, everyday is beautiful and has the potential for the world to be embraced. Ive been told recently that I'm a bit of a hippy, yet with organisational tendencies, and a unusual love for coffee (i think they are right :) )
I live with one of my closest friends Lisa and her hubby Andrew, its cool. It is an amazing house they are renting (so actually I'm 'staying' with them). Its in an amazing location, near a Starbucks (coffee) an amazing shopping mall, and the church they go to I'm discovering is doing masses with the community and schools and could really become my home church (always seeking God on that one of course).
I have reconnected with some GREAT Salvo friends, and have even started to sus out my savvy social friends. I plan to keep my fun lifestyle of social fun and regular connecting and practically doing life with great people. This is what I had in Sydney and it makes for a great circle of friends, rather than just social at church (I should blog on that). Basically I'm relocating my savvy fun lifestyle from Sydney to Brisbane, adding flexibility so that it fits into the context of this new world.
Basically I am one week into my new adventure of the unknown. Spending SO much time hanging with God, and during the days (until I get a job) its been me on my own. Life had a habit of bringing up things about you that you don't see, and personality traits you don't realise exist and all other things when you hang out with your 'self'. SO yep its been a LONG week but amazing, for the most part.
Anyway I'm going to get back to watching 'The Perfect Man' movie, which is simply one of my FAV movies (fashion, story, characters with individual personality, so many one liner thoughts, and it kinda is a bit reflective), however sometimes when I watch a movie it is far too reflective of my world, i have friends who can bare witness to this! (that's OK though, generally there is a happy ending).
So until next time (which will hopefully will be a shorter and more often experience) ENJOY life, make GREAT choices, and have FUN!
much love,

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Last Days...well, sort of...

It's been forever since my last blog (though Im not even sure if anyone reads this hahaha)!
Well I would like to ponder on this thought I've been thinking this arvo which is 'what to do in the last few days...'.
When it's that time in life (for some this never comes and for others it may come all too often) when it is time to relocate you find that a count down will start before the 'main event' arrives (that of moving). the question is, what to do in those '16days' or so left....there is so much to do in this world when you REALLY think about it. You can go for a walk, start at clouds, go see 1 or 2 or all the movies, you can visit and old friend, visit a young friend, go where you haven't been before, go and truly appreciate where you have already been for the 'last time'....there are SO many things to do in your world.
I have decided to spend those 'last days' moments mostly having fun and appreciating...that may look like appreciating the friendships I have, appreciating the places I can go here in my city, that can be giving my best and soaking up all I can at Hillsong Kids, it's even out-worked in appreciating the foxtell mum and dad have which allows me to 'appreciate' scrubs and other such shows and a repeated and regular basis...(although I don't actually watch that much tv these days).
In deciding to have fun and appreciate Ive come to realise also that, why do we need to wait for the 'last days' season to come around?....I want to put out the challenge to whoever is the amazing person behind a screen reading this...not to have the philosophy of treat every day as if it were your last, but rather more simply, to appreciate your world more. Appreciate who you have, what you have, how you got it, how you lost it, how you learnt, etc etc.

I challenge you to appreciate your world more, know who you are...what you believe...and why you believe it, and be flexible enough to adjust.

That's pretty much it, just a thought and a challenge. I think that's a pretty good blog to finish my day with.
-side note I had a great day with a friend of mine. We had my FAV 'venti caramel latte on skim with an extra shot of coffee' from Starbucks, then we window shopped and we went to Bondi. I now own haute couture Thongs (havaianas)!!!!! And I went to the Sydney Roosters shop. I appreciated my fun day :)
Greater things are yet to come!
Jj xx

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

G'day strangers

WOW it has been SO long since I last blogged, for anyone who actually reads this I am sorry about that. I've been somewhat busy....
Sunday - Wednesday I was at Wollongong doing a Kids program for a small Salvo pastors retreat.
That was great times, not only did I get to spend hours and hours with great kids (only actually between 7-10 kids on any given day) but I also got to meet their parents and other pastors of the Salvos I had not yet met. It was great to hear a bit about how they are doing ministry, I also was able to catch up with a old friend (she is only 30 and probably wont appreciate the 'old' remark, but we met way back in 1999, but i haven't seen her since maybe 2003{?} in my books that's REALLY old). I was also blessed to be able to stay at the same place at the pastors, a nice caravan/resort place at the beach, so everyday I saw the ocean, it was absolutely stunning!

Then from Thursday - Saturday I was in Wagga (for those of you who are thinking 'what the hack is that', its a city WEST N.S.W in Australia and it is beautifully country in all sense's of the word.
The reason for a seemingly random road trip out to Waga (5ish hours drive of nothing but country) was because my lil brother was having his March Out ceremony for the Australian Army, his platoon had passed and were ready to go on with the next part of his career in the Army, and I couldn't have been more proud! no one 'passed-out' in the sun on parade, they were seemingly well behaved in the 'after party' type outings in Waga, and all in all there were many a proud family and friends as the boys graduated and were ready for their next phase in their life.

Speaking of which I thought I should update, I am moving. That wont change anything for those who read my updates as you may or may not even know where I currently am. However its a really big deal for me, it'll be about finding my feet again, moving forward into my own little life adventure and maybe even somewhat planting roots for my life....well, I'm not sure how I will go with the whole settling down thing, I've moved a lot and am a little out of practice with the whole being normal. However it is definitely a NEW and EXCITING season in my life, FULL of surprises and hopes and trust in God. I'm a bit of a creative and love to have fun so hopefully there will be some cool stories ahead for you to read about.

oh and my Saturday - Monday I stay at my amazing friends place, in the same area I used to live (yes I have moved a lot in my life, hence the lack of settledness which does not worry me in the slightest, I enjoy my creative life =] ), because on the weekends I am still very much part of my church and the kids ministry I am BLESSED to be involved with. So currently my weekends consist of friends church and training the amazing team we have at Hillsong kids. I will seriously say I have been SO blessed to have been a dare I say key part of the team, especially on the Hills campus! I have grown and learnt and also been able to teach SO much from the past 3 and a bit years! It's changed my life! So to those who it applies to...THANK YOU (in the near future I may or may not so a more personal shout out to what I've learnt and to those who have lead me, who knows really).
anyways that's all for now, I hope to get an earlier night and an earlier start to the morning...maybe some Yoga, or a walk, some job hunting, who knows...but I hope you have an amazing day/night and seriously make the most of the moments you get to have.
Stop and smell the roses

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I previously wrote about perspective.....and I have just come back from a really fun time with my friend at Bondi Beach Sydney Australia!
I have a favorite place to sit (apparently dangerous but not if you do it right) and its just the best, its my spot to listen to Gods creation, look around at all types of ways to live, all types of scenes, and I can just appreciate God and life and people.
we took some fun photos, and also just sat and soaked in the awesome-ness of God.
now I'm very tired, a little probably sun burnt/wind burnt (it was so windy i nearly got pushed off my rock...that would have been dangerous.
so in this blog it isn't anything super amazing, just me letting you know I had a fantastic day, gaining some good perspective, having fun, and appreciating God.
Now I shall go to bed. Enjoy your day, and take time to appreciate the little things....stop and smell the roses or something...actually I DARE you! next time you see a rose or a flower, STOP and smell it!
until next time

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Time to dig my heals in, take a stand!

Isn't it interesting that just when things start to go right in our worlds something comes against it and can potentially put an end to the plans, shake the world up, or make us feel like the plans just don't seem to be right after all.

This is somewhat what is going on in my world...without going into detail. I know in this season of my life I am to set up plans to move to south-east Queensland (Australia). This may or may not be new news to you, however it took a journey and a half for ME to come to terms with.
Now that I have accepted it, I had started to make plans that looked like it was PERFECT for my future (kids pastor at a beach/coastal city...hellloooo YEAH!) however out of no-where it didn't work out. Yes it was a slap in the face and at times really sucked, but I chose to understand, move on, and continue to make plans to move up to QLD. This lead me on different trails of thinking hypothetically how I could make my future work. However when you know its a God plan, its best to hand it over to him and simply say yes...
After doing, that an amazing friend (who Ive been close friends with since 2003, a growing friendship which we both can slam each other with spiritual matters, and be there for each other as girls are) discussed with her hubby and they invited me to move in with them in Brisbane area. Of course I agreed and think the world of them, as it is what they are feeling is suposed to happen.
However once we started setting up real plans and chatting about, in different ways new 'challenges' would come up for both of us (to give an idea of one....some person who obviously needs Jesus, threw a rock into my car window (that I'm selling) it'll be fixed in no time). To me, when things like this come up, it can either be 'reality' or things that can attack the potentially amazing future in store for you.

Either way I choose to dig my heals in. When you know you are doing the right thing in your life following the God dream, and your path gets under attack, or different situations challenge it ever happening, you should take it as a compliment. Obviously you are taking part in doing the right thing, and taking part in changing the world, so when it is attacked its because you and your plans are a threat to what is not of a higher greater purpose.
We are never given anything we aren't able to Handel (we just have to be determined in our reaction). So I challenge you, next time it feels like your God dream is under attack, or you had a great future and its just not working, its time to show the one attacking it who's boss. Dig your heals in, stand firm on your promise, and do not be moved. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Eph 6:10-12
'Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.'

Monday, February 2, 2009

see stuff His way

So I have had a really crazy start to my 2009.
My first day of the year I got to ride in a Porsche Boxster....I've been horse ridding...and I've had some 'fun' friendship moments (both great and challenging, and that could be interpreted in many ways)....So all in all its been filled with many moments, some of happiness and some of challenge.....this includes my figuring out a 'where is home' and 'how do I get there' decision and path making.
Now sorry, but I'm not going to spill everything that has gone on in my world for the past month (besides that would require me writting a novel). However what I can tell you is what I chose to do about it all.
I choose, decide, and sometimes fight to decide to see things His way, with Gods perspective.
Something that regularly goes through my head, and often I say it out loud....'its all about perspective' people will see things how they see it, and its probably slightly different to how you see things. Take for example cloud watching....what might look like a puppy to me, can look like a dragon to the next person.
Its the same for when we look at a situation in our own lives, or maybe the situation of someone you know, you automatically see it from how YOU see it, not always how they are seeing it and not how God is seeing it. To see how He sees we must choose to and take action to do so.
With stuff that been happening in my world (and some of my worlds around me) I've had to choose to see stuff how God sees it. In doing this things can look less cluttered, less hopeless, less complicated.
It might require you to put up a fight to get there but speaking from experience, it is far far easier to accept stuff going on in your world when you see stuff His way...

Colossians chapter 3: 1-2
So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from His perspective.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I get this image of a kitten falling out of a basket...

a Quote from The Shack - 'But I also want you to know that there is more going on that you could imagine or understand, even if I told you. As much as you are able, rest in what trust you have in me, no matter how small, ok?'
Powerful words from the mouth of the character representing God in this amazing book. I guess the words that stand out to me the most would be the way it is said that it isn't a problem how little trust you might have, but just to rest in it. Which brings me to the the image of the kitten falling from a basket, it must be a childhood picture I saw, because I have no idea where its come from. ANYWAYS this little cute kitten is dangling from a basket with only a few claws holding on.
The point is to keep holding on. Keep being positive. Keep trusting God for the best. No matter how small the trust feels, its more than enough for a God who wants the BEST life for you!
He is always there, and thinks the world of you, no matter what is going on, no matter what has happened. Reach out to him for His love and security, keep holding on because I know He wont let go.
And rest in what trust you have for him, no matter how small, ok?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

and so start-th the journey...

Well here we go, the first entry of what I hope to be fun and insightful (or not so insightful) moments, thoughts that I have.

It shall be interesting to see my moments and thoughts 'go public', some might say it could be a bit scarey, others might be curious about what actually goes on in this brain of mine.

I can say with confidence that there is never a dull moment in the life of Jamie, you might even come across many a good story or even a spark of thought that could create a light bulb moment in your world.

In saying all that it somewhat makes me think - that...and I probably watch kinda A LOT of Scrubs [an amazing TV show, thou shalt experience] and feel inspired to ponder about people who ponder thoughts 'out loud' in their head - what would happen if what we thought, said and even just imagined in our heads was actually brought out in public view?

In saying all THAT is posted above, my blogs are simply my thoughts an experiences shared to you, in the hope that it will mealy provoke some thought and maybe some action on your part, in your world, for the better. It could be a ministry idea, a life experience that improves perspective, or simply insight into my day-to-day 'stuff' that helps make

As much as a love a good banter, there is a certain aroma filling this sun room. It is that of a hot black coffee and it has MY name on it.

until next time....